School Logo Mats: The Ultimate Guide
How to use school mats to inspire and educate.
It’s back to school time and you’re ready to welcome the kids back in the safety and security of these strange new times.
But all the hand sanitiser and facemasks in the world won’t protect your children from slips, trips and falls, so forget about checking in and lay some mats.
School logo mats can multitask, so while you’re definitely going to protect your people and your floors, you can also have some fun with your mats.
Creating a logo mat for schools is very different to the way that a business designs its entranceway. While safety is still the number one priority, children at school need to be inspired rather than persuaded.
To help you make the most out of your school logo mats, here are some ideas to mix up your designs and keep your children inspired.
1. School Logo Entrance Mats
The most obvious one, and perhaps the most important. Your school logo is probably common knowledge to your teachers and children, but visitors to the school might not even know it exists.
Placing your school logo on a mat right at the entrance to the building is the best way to give visitors a great first impression. Seeing your crest, logo or motto printed onto a mat will show anyone passing over that yours is a school that takes pride in their style.
An entrance mat will also make sure visitors are safe from slipping and that the dirt from outside is removed from their feet as they enter. Prospective students and parents are always impressed by schools that can do safety in style.
2. Custom Classroom Mats
Just as the school needs a mat to announce it, classrooms do too. In the same way that branding an office makes employees more loyal, children that see their class name on an entrance mat will feel a sense of pride in their community.
Personalised classrooms give children a sense of belonging and camaraderie, making them better behaved and kinder to one another. They may also feel proud when they move up a class, as the new team number increases as they move through school.
Customising your classroom mat with your mascot or class colours will feel familiar to children and impress any visitors. As well as looking great, your classroom entrance mat doubles up as a hands-off slip prevention and floor cleaning intervention!
3. Rubber School Logo Mats for Gyms
Inspiration comes from all areas, and any coach will tell you (probably) that psyching up a sports team is half the job of winning. Your team mascot looking up from the floor will lea
Just as children in their classrooms are proud when be reminded of where they belong, players that are constantly reminded of their team are too. Sometimes, that can be the difference between a win or a loss.
As their energy begins to wear down and they drop their heads with fatigue, a glance of their team’s name or mascot gives them a burst of adrenaline.
4. Custom School Mats for Staff Rooms
Children aren’t the only ones sometimes needing a hand getting motivated. The post-lunch slump. Too much marking. A lesson plan gone wrong. Sometimes, teachers need a little reminder of the reason they got into the career.
Staff rooms won’t usually be seen by visitors or children, so you could even print photos onto your mats. Cute thank you cards and goodbye messages are usually tossed, but printed on a mat they last forever.
If photos don’t suit your school, something else will. Perhaps the adults in the school prefer a more stylish interior while on their breaks. If you’re not sure, ask your teachers what they like best.
5. Personalised Storytime Mats
Most teachers take great pride in the appearance of their classrooms. The Australian Education Union found that 83% of teachers spend their own money on their classrooms. This money is spent on ensuring that teachers’ classrooms are well-equipped and inspiring.
In many classrooms, especially for younger years, pride of place is often given to a storytime mat. School play mats, circle time mats or colourful carpets – call them what you like! They are the centre of the classroom and play an important role.
Children gather on the front and centre storytime classroom mat to listen to their teacher and learn as a group. Your storytime mats have endless opportunities to motivate and teach. Bright colours. Numbers. Animals. Each classroom has different desires.
6. Simply Words
Custom floor mats for schools don’t always need to feature your logo. What better way to save space and keep words around for longer than to print them on a mat. Rules, quotes or words of encouragement are perfectly placed in any area of the school.
Small children can learn big sentences if they see them every day, and older children will appreciate the nudge that an inspirational quote can give them. When parents visit the school, they will smile when they see the thoughtful words on the floor.
If nothing more, mats printed with words spark questions and conversation. Inquisitiveness and positivity are great traits for students, so inspire them in yours!
The best mat for your school is up to you
School logo entrance mats aren’t the only way to customise your floors. Mats with words, photos and more can enhance the atmosphere of your school. From classrooms to gyms and beyond.
If you would like to design your own custom floor mats for a school (or anywhere else that needs enhancing) get in touch for a personalised quote. Remember that our mats multitask, so any logo mat can double up as a safety or cleaning feature too.
Every business is different, and so are their mat-related needs. If you aren’t sure which other features you need in a mat, check out this article on selecting the perfect mat for your business.
For help with choosing the perfect mat for your school, or to find out more about any of our products, reach out to our team of friendly matxperts.