Mat Shop or Matshop?

We are often asked by customers is your company Mat Shop or Matshop?


We an Australian registered business under Mat Shop Pty Ltd although we are trademarked as both Mat Shop and Matshop so, apologies for the confusion! When we set out in business Matshop was on a mission to make it simple, to remove the waste and unnecessary processes that had built up in the industry causing inflated prices, long lead times and poor customer service. We were so focused on customer experience that we didn’t have time to enter a space in between words!


The main thing is that we have the most appropriate name in the industry, supported by the most resourceful website, the most experienced team, and we partner with the best suppliers for our materials and services to bring you the quality of product and service you deserve. Not to mention the BEST domain name (thanks guys)! Where else do you buy mats from? … a mat shop! What shop sells mats? … a mat shop!


So, in short, yes, we are Mat Shop, however we won’t be offended if you refer to us as Matshop. We appreciate your support and can’t wait to serve you soon with the best mats at the best price produced and delivered on time!


Need assistance? Feel free to call on 1300 MAT SHOP (1300 628 746).