A wooden doorway sits in a wall. The blog header reads Which Doormats Go With Which Style of Entrance.

Which doormats go with which style of entrance?

The best doormats for each interior design style.

The aim of our learning centre at Matshop is to provide free mat-related advice to anyone that needs it. We hope to accumulate enough information on our website that you and all our customers can find the answers to any questions they have in minutes.

As well as technical advice and product recommendations, we are sometimes asked for recommendations on style, design and interior decorating. We have written about designing an entrance for your business, but many of our customers are looking for residential mats.

Your doorway is the entrance to your home, so here is the best doormat for every style. Let us know if we have missed yours!


  1. Boho

For boho doorways, coir is the only way to go. It has a great natural look and is made from husk fibres that are a by-product of the coconut industry, so it is a sustainable option that is great for the environment too.

Traditional coir mats are made from just coir and have woven edges to prevent shedding. The only to completely remove the possibility of shedding is to use synthetic coir, which gives you the natural look with none of the maintenance.

Natural and synthetic coir can both be backed onto rubber to create a fantastic scraper mat that is slip-resistant and absorbent. Just make sure you don’t get your rubber-backed coir mat wet!

Boho doorway with a coir entrance mat.

  1. Modern

Modern design features include making the most of natural light, subtle colour contrasts and geometry. As well as symmetry, modern style focuses on cleanliness, so a clean looking mat is critical. That means full rubber is out!

Modern style buildings are all the rage here in Australia, and with a modern doorway goes a modern mat. Geometric lines alongside pastel and monochrome colours perfectly compliment the trendy aesthetic that is modern interior design.

Aluminium is not usually top on our list of recommendations, but for modern style entrances, we make an exception. Its main pull is its aesthetic: architects particularly love aluminium mats! So, for modern entrances that won’t get wet, consider aluminium.

Modern entrance with an aluminium doormat.

  1. Vintage

Vintage means earlier, so it could technically apply to a variety of designs. We typically associate vintage style with the 1920s and pre-war era, but the great thing about design is its subjectivity.

Vintage is a popular style at the moment, and coir is the perfect accompaniment. As well as being great for the environment, coir is naturally robust and great at its job. Place a coir mat in your entrance once and it is guaranteed to outlast anything else around it.

Which is exactly what you want in a vintage doorway!

Modern doorway with picture doormat.

  1. Art-deco

Similar to the modern style, art-deco interiors (and exteriors!) combine simple shapes and symmetry to create aesthetically pleasing doorways. Block colours and printed mats work perfectly for doorways based on art.

Solid red and black are great options for absorbent scrapers, but you could even print your own image onto a mat to make it match, contrast or completely blend with your art-deco entranceway.

To go with an art deco style entranceway, a carpet-surfaced entrance mat like the Hex Pattern Entrance Mat is ideal.

Art Deco entrance with a ribbed pile doormat.

  1. Grand

For long hallways, you need a long doormat. Carpet runners are perfect for grand entrances – whether that’s in your home, in a palace or anywhere in between.

Runners are also a great option for larger areas because we stock various widths that can be cut to your required length. Just measure the width and length of your entrance and choose the width that fits the space best. We like to leave a gap at the edge but your doorway, your choice.

Neutral colours work perfectly for luxurious interiors. With so much extravagance all around, you won’t need the carpet being another distraction. Grey and charcoal scrapers like the Ribbed Pile Runner are perfect for grand entrances and long corridors.

A grand entranceway with a long carpet runner.

  1. Industrial

Industrial style entrances are popular for coworking spaces and small to medium-sized offices. Some cafés and restaurants have also jumped on the trend, which makes use of exposed steel beams and raised ceilings.

Like many other styles, plain, dark colours work well. Dark grey entrance mats draw the eye upwards and make the room feel spacious.

Industrial doorway.

  1. Rustic

As industrial design uses steel beams, exposed timber is the go-to material for rustic style entrances. Stone and slate are also common materials, with every aspect maintaining a neutral colour scheme that looks weathered and traditional.

Rustic entrances are common in countryside residences, upmarket spas and other hospitality venues.

Fur rugs wouldn’t go amiss in a rustic doorway, but if you want something to keep your floors a little cleaner, a coir mat might be the perfect choice. We recommend traditional coir entrance mats to maintain that natural tradition that gives the rustic style its charm.

A rustic entranceway with a coir doormat.

  1. Moroccan

Moroccan style interior design is newer to the western world than others. It features deep browny reds and yellows, dazzling archways and curved lines. The ogee – Arabic architecture’s most famous shape – is very popular in Moroccan entranceways.

Moroccan is another style that luxury spas and hotels have adopted, perhaps due to its exotic and relaxing impression on traditional Western design. Spas, particularly, follow the lead of Moroccan Hammams in their relaxing extravagance.

The perfect mat for a Moroccan styled doorway is a plush pile mat that feels soft underfoot.

Moroccan entranceway with a plush pile doormat.

  1. Georgian

Most commonly found attached to London townhouses, Georgian styled entranceways are classic, elegant and smart. White paint covers walls with a pop of colour coming from the door itself.

The best mats for a Georgian style doorway is something that shows a little of the characters a visitor might find inside. Personalised coir mats are a great option for families, and a greyscale entrance mat with a luxurious design works well in commercial buildings.

London townhouse with a luxurious doormat.

How to choose a doormat for your doorway

Of course, we can’t cover every possible style! So, if you aren’t sure which type of doormat suits your entrance the most, feel free to reach out to the team. Our matxperts love helping you find your perfect mat.

Browse doormats online or give us a call at 1300 628 746.

2022-01-07 03:34:00