It’s Raining! Why Front Door Mats are Essential and How to Choose
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It’s Raining! Why Front Door Mats are Essential and How to Choose

With so much rain lately as we head into autumn, there’s bound to be a few dirty shoes walking mud and water into the office. A wet and dirty office is bad for many reasons, and if you’re really unlucky it could end up causing you and your employees pain or sickness in the long run. Here are some of the problems a wet and dirty office can lead to:

A bad first impression - You only get one chance to make a first impression and a wet, dirty or stained floor is not going to help you look professional. But clients will be positively influenced by a fresh smelling and clean office.

An unhygienic office- The majority of office grime is walked straight in through the front door and dirt, mud and water are some of the favourite elements that bacteria and disease like to thrive in. Mould could grow in continually wet carpets, and built-up dirt and dust can irritate people with allergies.

A dangerous office - Slips and trips are common workplace injuries and wet, slippery floors are an all too common culprit. We’ve all had moments when our shoes have slipped on a hard surface so just imagine how much pain and trouble a bad fall could cause. It could also end up costing the business through compensation claims.

Structural damage - Dirt can scratch your hard floors and stain your carpets. This means the life of your flooring is reduced and you’ll have to replace it sooner than if you kept the dirt out initially.

How front door mats help

You can avoid a lot of the above problems simply by investing in a front door mat. A front door mat captures some of the dirt and water from visitors’ shoes and helps to keep it outside. This in turn prevents it from being tracked inside where it becomes ingrained in the carpet or makes hard surfaces slippery and dangerous.

Which mat?

Mud - To target mud, there are grooved mats that scrape it off or bristled mats that help to brush it off. Rubber, coir and PVC loop are good materials.

Water - If walking in water is a recurring problem, then consider a rubber mat with holes in it to allow for maximum drainage. A PET herringbone mat is absorbent and removes large amounts of moisture when walked over. Nylon and polypropylene are also good choices.

Dirt and dust - If dry dirt and dust is more the problem, then choose sticky mats that grab the dirt off your shoes or a low profile mat with rubber spikes.

Microbes - If hygiene is of particular importance for your office, kitchen or lab, anti-microbial mats, sticky mats or rubber foot bath mats that contain cleaning chemicals are the way to go.

10 years ago